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PMXTools PMXTools 1.3.1
(PMTOP) TOP Table of Process and an Extended Netstat (MyNetstat) to monitor process and connections
PMxTools is a collection of application aim to help to analyze your system
It is composed by two software:
MyNetStat an advance netstat graphical application
PMTOP an Advance Task Manager application
(Software is granted to be Virus and Spyware free: AVGfree + ADAWARE are used)


Download: PMXTools 1.3.1 [129 KBytes]
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The typical PMTOP main window

PMTOP main window with Security Color Mode activated

The property of process in PMTOP

MyNetStat main screen under Windows 2000/Windows XP

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Tell me (using email or forum) if this software have bug, or propose feature. I am happy to receive comment! (forum or by email)